Wednesday, May 24, 2006

This is Paul Jennings' first full length novel. It is an hilarious and sometimes bizarre account of growing up in the 1950's and will appeal to readers of all ages. It is the " coming of age " tale of Hedley Hopkins who is the new kid at school, straight off the boat from England.
Recommended for younger readers
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this book is about a boy named Hedley who has come from england and is trying to make new friends at his new school. He misses england and to make friends, decides to do a dare to get in to ian douglas's gang. Hedley has to take a skull from a grave near the loony bin. This story is about him realising that everybody is different, who is normal is the question that is asked through out the book.
I thought that this book would be for little kids but as the book progresses it proved me wrong and had a deep meaningful point to make about life
i would rate ths story as 3 stars out of five, because it may have some interesting bits but mostly it is pretty boring and droll as well as having an uninteresting plot
this book has a varity of emotion about things that boys go through. the author has put this into to the book very well by using comedy and he still keeps the character innocent by making him clueless
this is a book about a boy who is experiencing the realitys of real life. He came from england with his family but he had to leve his grandmother behind, his granny understood all that he went through in england but it was hard for hedly in australia without her. at his school he was a loner until he decided to do a dare, he had to get a skull from major manners grave and bring it back to ian douglas's gang so he could join it but things go terrible wrong for hedley as things about his body start him asking questions wich get him in more trouble. he ends up working it all out and his gran comes to australia to live with them.
How Hedley Hopkins did a dare, robbed a grave, made a new friend who might not have really been there at all, and while he was at it committed a terrible sin which everyone was doing even though he didn’t know it is written by Paul Jennings. It is a funny and amusing story about a boy from England called Hedley Hopkins. Hedley has no friends, because he has an English accent. His sister has friends and she has an English accent too. In an Attempt to gain ‘friends’ Hedley agrees to do anything Ian Douglas and his gang want, so he can join there group, they decided he had to rob a grave of its skull and to make it worse, the grave is behind the loony bin in the sand dunes.
Hedley named the skull Major manners. Hedley also gets chosen to go inside the dreaded loony bin to help the retarded students and victor (a loony) was moved from the loony bin into Hedley’s class and guess who’s stuck with him.
I recommend this book for people 12 years and older.
202 pages.
5 star rating.
Hedley named the skull Major manners. Hedley also gets chosen to go inside the dreaded loony bin to help the retarded students and victor (a loony) was moved from the loony bin into Hedley’s class and guess who’s stuck with him.
I recommend this book for people 12 years and older.
202 pages.
5 star rating.
Hedley Hopkins did a Dare
By Paul Jennings
This is a book about a 13 year old boy who migrated from England and doesn't have any friends. In the book he tries to get some friends with results you would not describe as ideal. Eventually he solves his problem and it has a happy ending.
i think it was really really boring and uninteresting so i won't reccomend it to anyone.
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By Paul Jennings
This is a book about a 13 year old boy who migrated from England and doesn't have any friends. In the book he tries to get some friends with results you would not describe as ideal. Eventually he solves his problem and it has a happy ending.
i think it was really really boring and uninteresting so i won't reccomend it to anyone.
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